Saturday, May 15, 2010

The morning hangover

Hey friend,

turn off your television, radio and throw away all your books, stop listening and predicting and hoping, hoping, hoping. Life is not a story; it's more like an optimistic recreation of hell. Don't think you will fall in love with the first boy you like or even the first one you are together with, because that's a shit. The movies of beautiful life’s, created in some ones head, is just a dream, hon, it's just a dream. They make the world go crazy. Young girls longing for love, when there is no idea what that love actually is. Is it an embrace or linked hands? Is it somebody to spend your time with? There is nobody to tell you the right answer; no one can tell you what’s in your heart. 

 Life is not simple at all. Especially if you are a loner. Life gives you bumpy roads of stormy night in the middle of the ocean. Life gives you hard choices and uneasy feelings and things you just can't grasp with both hands and a beating heart no matter what. Life is all about the questions in the morning hangover and the feelings of the wrong direction your destiny is taking. And it's not at all about future, no, it's for the past, the hits and touches we have had, but most of all, it's about today. So stop wasting your time marveling at made up stories off princes and roses and the perfect moments, because life will just screw you anyway. 

But life is not that complicated as you fear, cause after all, it’s all about living and moving forward or backward, that’s your religion. So be sure, life will give you the most wonderful moments when you are not expecting them at all, so why don’t you stop now?

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