Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It takes two to make it work

Hey, you.

I just had to write this down. For me, for you and just because.

He is amazing because he is more then he shows the world and you love it, - you are the only one who knows that.

He is nothing like those foolish guys that try to show the world how much better they are then anyone else, although, they don't even understand that there is n o s u c h a t h i n g - better then.

He is a mystery, your mystery.

Do not underestimate that.

You'll have trouble, cause in the end he is just like any other person with his own fears and problems, but you are the one he is not afraid to open up, so don't hurt him. And i promise if you do that, if you stand by him in troubles and moments of happiness, he will never hurt you.

He'll be your sun, your friend, your brother and lover. Boys like this are worth more then any money could ever buy. They are worth your heart.

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