I found you sitting across the fireplace looking unsure (doubting everything you lay your eyes on - me, fire, time, love)
I found you getting drunk and loosing yourself to nothing (because you were hurt and bleeding and I wasn't in any position to offer comfort)
I found your fingers under the blanket (And I thought I'd die right than and there if you took them away from me. )
I found you drinking beer and playing novuss with your friends (And I wondered why I agreed to come)
I found you in our first date looking stressed and somehow happy ( And looking at your smile I knew exactly why had I come.)
I found you saying `I love you` in a mix of ` I love ice cream` and ` I love sea` and I just fell.
I found you fancying me in a way I could never imagine ( As if it was still 80`s and I was the greatest thing on earth)
I found you calling me in the weirdest name I have never heard before (Trying to understand why)
And... well..
And... well..
I found you.