Friday, February 26, 2010

A correction

Hello, my friend,

I guess what I want to say is that I'm tired of being underestimated. Tired of people looking down on me only because sometimes I love to act childish, or sometimes I'm not the most sociable person. Cause in the end it doesn't matter if you are a keener or cheerleader, the smart one or football player. At the end of the day they all are afraid to get hurt. Scared of being in love, being vulnerable. And I just know that mistakes doesn't look at our status in society, they just find us that interesting to spend time with. They like us all. Hell, if you are pretty or ugly, young or old, okay, but what ever! Mistakes don't give a shit. Neither should you.

The Crashing mountains


Maybe that's not fair from me to think so much about him, but i really can't stop. If I ever had to choose the man of my life it would be him and him only.

I think he would be shocked to hear that he still is in my heart, after all, it's been so long, but somehow, i just can't erase him. When you have this one person in your life that means everything to you, you want to give him all you got. When he’s taken away the want still remains. So I’m still sending out my life not knowing if it reaches the destination. I would have given him everything, i did not know any other way. There was no one as important, no one who could ever replace his smile in my heart, the feeling of his arms around me, the words that played with the mountains of crashes just to stay in memory. `Don't be sad,` he once said, `I feel like I can't do anything when you’re sad, my only wish is to make you happy. I'm gonna buy us some ice cream, alright? I'm gonna buy you the biggest portion of kiwi ice cream just for your smile. So promise you will smile.`

I promise.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A contradiction

Hey, pretty one,

`Beautiful things never last. That's why fireflies flash.` (Ron Pop, Fireflies)

A bitter sweet melody. And I know it may seem sad, but I don't see it that way. At least not now. My mind is like wind, always changing it's course. So today I think that happiness, even if it's a flash, should be lived with everything you got.

And I read a book yesterday ( I really did, it was so interesting I couldn't take my eyes off, so I finished it in one day, it's called `The French Gardener` by Santa Montefiore, check it if you want, I really recommend it, especially when you are feeling a little bit down or lost.) that made me realize how strong and deep love could actually be. We don't see it in nowadays, but I know it exists, I believe it does. It's a sad but breath taking story, like a Notebook, everyone had seen the film ( even if I was so late and saw it only this summer) , or like the Titanic ( I remember that first time I saw it - I didn't cry. I think I was too young than. The next time I saw it, I couldn’t stop crying. I already knew the scenario, I knew he would die, but it didn't change the fact that I didn't want him to. I don't want anybodies love to die. ).

I know the story is made up in someone’s head, maybe in someone’s, who longs for love just as much as the rest of us, but somewhere, somehow, I believe that the story had been a life time one. I believe that somewhere in the world lives The man and The women of each story ( I read only the good ones, so don't ask me about the others ^. - ) and they vitness something so strong, so deep, of which we got only a glimpse, maybe we got only the cherry. But that's nothing compered to all it has.

But the thing I wanted to tell you is that I think we should fight for our love. We should screw all the problems and find a way to make it work. Love is to make life more enjoyable, more free and easy. I think most of us have forgotten it these days. Or maybe they haven't , maybe that's way we live our life with this sad melancholy. I have a feeling life has more in it's case. And I’m hoping I won't be so dumb to let it pass me by. I hope you won't be to. Eh, I think you will grab it by your hands, yelling ` I was freaking looking forward for this, you know?`. I think that'll be great.

Friday, February 5, 2010

An Internet

Sometimes the whole world is in a little page full af words and persons you have never met in life. Where you can be what ever you want. And I’m afraid we will all grow fake this way.

Sometimes we forget to smile if there isn't a smiley in the end of our sentence. That’s how we grow up. And than comes this totally different person in you life laughing and shining like a crazy person and you don't know what to do anymore.

Well I'll advice this for you - just smile.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A thank you

I keep on looking at you and thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are my smile, my sun, my warm, comfy blanket.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Fear

Maybe you are right and I should stop writing.